2015년 4월 16일 목요일

My SHELF project - Sketch Comedy

I saw the comedy show that about the words; similar pronunciation and different meaning.

It was really funny. For example, a man who came from Asia was looking for the beautiful beach and he was not good English speaker.

When he found a American who was sitting on the stairs, he asked to American where was the beautiful beach around here and how he could go there.

 In this scene, as you know, beach and bitch are really similar to pronuciate to Asian people but meaning can be totally different.

I mean that Asian wanted to say " Where is the beautiful beach?".

On the contrary, American can understand that sentence " Where is the beautiful bitch?"

This will be funny and also, we can learn how to pronounce those words exactly.

So I want to make sketch comedy show like this that kill two birds with one stone; Funny and Learning.

2015년 4월 12일 일요일

두번째 측정 (금연 2주차) Stop smoking - Second week

금연 2주차 보건소 클리닉에서 니코틴 수치 측정을 했다.
한개피도 피지 않았다는 증거인 0 수치가 나왔다.
금연이라는 목표에 한발 더 다가선 것 같은 기분으로 뿌듯했다.

Seond week, stop smoking, I checked nicotine rates in my body. As you can see, 0 point, I steped one more foot toward my goal. I felt proud of myself.

2015년 4월 4일 토요일

두번째 노트필기(The second note in a class)

두번째 노트필기는 조금 창의적으로 해보았다.
항상 글씨가 많으면 나는 집중이 잘 안되서 최대한 작은 내용에 집중을 할 수 있도록 편집해 필기를 해보았다.

This is my second note that I wrote what I thought important in the Web-project class.
I was always thinking why I couldn't concentrate on the content when there were a lot of letters in the book.
So I figured it out with locating. 

목표 실현을 위해!! (For my health)

나의 목표: 금연을 성공하기 위해 보건소에서 운영하는 금연 도우미 프로그램에 참가했다.
(첫번째 사진)
그리고 금연과 관련된 보조용품(껌, 손지압봉, 전자담배, 책자)를 이용해 금연 7일째를 성공리에 보내고 있다.

This semester, I set a goal that stopping smoking. For this, I participated nonsmoking program which run by public health care center. At there, they gave me some stuff for helping nonsomking ; gum, electronic cigarettes, brochure etc. With these things, now, I am living my happy life without cigarette. Wish me luck :)