2015년 3월 27일 금요일

Speed dating activity

Q: It's nice wheather right?
A: Yes, I think today is perfect day to go to picnic

Q: What kind of things do you do usually in this wheather?
A: You know, just normal stuff; laundry, reading a book sitting on my armchair.

Q: What do you do?
A: I am a university student. I go to Busan university of foreign studies.

Q: You asked me that How my friends decribe me?
A: They say that I'm a hard-working person because I always do my best whether it is important or not.

2015년 3월 23일 월요일

Web-project 과제 (수업 내용 한장 요약본)

수업 내용을 필기를 바탕으로 1부에서 5부까지 파트를 나누어 요점만 정리했습니다.

2015년 3월 11일 수요일

The pic that I care the most.

This picture took when I was traveling Europe is the one that I care the most.
The gorgeous woman who is next to me is my friend. I met her during traveling. She's name is Rosie.
She is 21 years old, comes from Australia. I traveled 9 contries; Sitzerland, England, Italy, etc.
It was really precious memory for me because firstly, it was my first time abroad and secondly, I met cool friend. We spent a lot of time visiting tourist attractions, eating so delicious food and drinking. You know, party.
I don't think I will forget this memory ever in my life. I have kept in touch with her until I lost her Facebook Id actually, it was just last month. I feel so bad about this.
I think that she might can't see this blog but I really would like to say " I miss you Rosie "


This is a video comparing pronunciation between American English and British English.

The woman who is left side comes from England and the one who is right side is American. And they are reading words and comparing.

It was really interesting for me because when I learned English first, I spoke British English and it was because there were many people who came from England and Australia. Especially, my aunt who came from England taught me English.

So for me, it was natural to speak British English.

Through this video, we can learn how different British accent and America accent.

Moreover, we have to know that both of English are right and need to discuss about that they are more differncies except intonation and accent.

2015년 3월 8일 일요일

Worry. - March 8, 2015(English Diary)

A day before yesterday, there was a meeting attending the students whose major is Latin America and professors. The meeting was for getting to know one another and for electing seminar team leader. I am a vice president of student council. Therefore, before starting the meeting, I was thinking that I couldn’t be the one of candidates. There were many reasons. Firstly, I had been so busy actually I was really tired. Second one was that I didn’t know about the seminar. The most crucial reason was that I have been preparing exchange student to America. So I had no idea whether I will be in Korea or not. Moreover, I take 24 credits this semester. It means that I don’t have much time to do something. For these reasons, I didn’t want to be the leader of seminar. Unfortunately, however, it was me elected the leader. Until now, I keep thinking that I don’t think I can do these a lot of works at this short semester. I worry about all the things. How can I get through hard time like this?

2015년 3월 4일 수요일


In this semester, my goal is to get 85 points in TOEFL test.

And this is my portfolio that shows the specific way to achieve my goal.