2015년 3월 11일 수요일

The pic that I care the most.

This picture took when I was traveling Europe is the one that I care the most.
The gorgeous woman who is next to me is my friend. I met her during traveling. She's name is Rosie.
She is 21 years old, comes from Australia. I traveled 9 contries; Sitzerland, England, Italy, etc.
It was really precious memory for me because firstly, it was my first time abroad and secondly, I met cool friend. We spent a lot of time visiting tourist attractions, eating so delicious food and drinking. You know, party.
I don't think I will forget this memory ever in my life. I have kept in touch with her until I lost her Facebook Id actually, it was just last month. I feel so bad about this.
I think that she might can't see this blog but I really would like to say " I miss you Rosie "

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